Bishop's Cleeve Primary Academy

Humanities @ BCPA


Geography and History overview 2024-25


History Progression Document

History Enquiry Question Overview

Within the GLA trust, Bishops Cleeve Primary Academy aims to provide a history curriculum which develops knowledge through enriching lessons. We believe that all children should have high aspirations gained from inspirational, significant individuals who have impacted history and our lives today.  

Knowledge is rooted through chronological understanding of periodicity. Children will be able to debate the validity of their views with confidence and empathy, by rooting their discussions in sound factual knowledge and key historical vocabulary.  

Through enriching experiences, including the use of increasingly difficult complex secondary sources, the curriculum is designed to build cultural capital and a clear understanding of human experience beyond everyday life. 

Every child at BCPA can draw inspiration from figures throughout our history curriculum and aspire to use their historical understanding to develop their own sense of belonging and a deeper appreciation of the world around them. 



Geography Progression Document

Geography End Point Assessment

As part of the GLA, Bishops Cleeve Primary Academy strives for a geography curriculum which enthuses pupils through practical and knowledge driven lesson content. The curriculum aims to enable children to use physical and human geographical skills to explore their locality and gain an appreciation of the awe and wonder of the world.  

Teachers are encouraged to provide children with enriching opportunities that enable them to become curious learners. They will do this by taking part in fieldwork; using a range of presenting, reporting and map skills to communicate their findings through geographical vocabulary. The geography curriculum is designed to build on children’s cultural capital, through developing knowledge of different cultures and countries around the world through respectful questioning.  

Aspiration sits at the heart of geography. Children will know the impacts humans can have on the physical world. They will be inspired by significant explorers and campaigners to understand the influence that individuals may have on the planet, both in the present day and the future.