Bishop's Cleeve Primary Academy

Important roles our children hold @ BCPA


School Council

The School Council plays a vital role at BCPA to ensure all pupils can have their say in our vision for the school. During the termly meeting, School Council representatives from each class present feedback from their peers about school issues and needs. This includes how to make the school eco-friendly, how to spent fundraising profits, and how to make BCPA a positive place for our children. Decisions made within School Council can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of the school. 


House Captains


Our House Captains are the leaders of their house. At BCPA, we have four houses; 

Leckhampton (yellow)




Every half term, there is a house competition for children across the school to take part in. These cover a range of activities including reading, dodgeball, art and our annual sports day. The House Captains decide what competition takes place each term and host regular House Assemblies to give updates on house point totals! At the end of the year, the house with the most points win the house trophy.  


Playtime Playpals

Our Playtime Pals play a vital role in ensuring our KS1 children have a happy and safe playtime experience. A group of responsible Year 6 children volunteer to spend their lunchtime supporting the younger children by teaching them new games they can play outside, helping resolve small conflicts between friends, and being a positive role model of our four school values.