Medicine in School
The following information is general guidance for our parents about what to do if your child needs to be given medicine during the school day. If it doesn't answer your question please pop into the office or call us on 01242 673814 to discuss your specific circumstances.
Prescribed medicines can be brought to the school office, clearly labelled with your child’s name. A form, detailing the dosage of the medicine, must be completed, signed and dated. Medicines requiring refrigeration will be stored in the refrigerator in the school office.
Prescription medicines can only be administered between 12 and 12.30.
If your child requires either an inhaler or an Epipen/Emerade Pen these will be kept securely in their classroom in a medical box. The medical box will be taken with the class on any trips. If you can persuade your GP to give you an additional Epipen/Emerade Pen, we will also keep one in the School Office for your child. At the end of each academic year the class medical box will be given to your child's new teacher.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that any medication kept in school has not expired.
Non-prescribed medicines (e.g. paracetamol; antihistamine; eye drops; throat sweets etc) can be brought into the school office. They must also be clearly labelled with your child’s name. A form detailing the dosage of the medicine, must be completed, signed and dated. this is available from the school office. Under no circumstances should children have any medicine in their own bags at school.
We would ask that, where possible, you make your child's class teacher aware of the need for your child to take medicine so that they can remind your child when it is due to be taken. You can do this in person or send a note in with your child.
If absolutely necessary, you may give verbal consent over the telephone for the administration of medication. If the medication is likely to be required beyond the day of consent, a consent form must be completed.
The school will keep a limited supply of children’s paracetamol for use when a need arises unexpectedly. However, if you know that your child needs paracetamol during the school day please send it in to the school office.
Please note that staff at school are not permitted to administer Ibuprofen unless it has been prescribed by a Doctor. We are aware that many GP surgeries will NOT prescribe ibuprofen because it can be purchased cheaply over the counter - in this case, we can administer it if we have a note from the GP surgery to confirm that your child can be given ibuprofen.
We ask that you don't give any medicine (including throat sweets) to children for them to keep in their school bags.
Please ensure that the office has up to date contact information for each of the emergency contacts we have listed for your child in case we need to contact you.
The NHS have produced some excellent guidance for parents on when it is appropriate to keep your child off school. To access this information, please click here.